tel. 06 6213 0090
In accordance with the law, UNIVERSE ENTERTAINMENT properly handles all the personal information it acquires, or with which it is entrusted or provided, through its business operations. Furthermore, to ensure that this is the case, the Company shall implement a personal information protection management system for all its executives and employees.
The Company shall clarify the managers responsible for personal information protection and its protection management structure. In the course of protection management, the Company shall comply with all laws and regulations related to the handling of personal information and adhere to the guidelines and other norms stipulated by the Japanese government and to all contracts into which it enters.
When acquiring or using personal information while conducting business, the Company shall clarify the purpose and scope of that use and use all personal information, within the scope of its purpose, in legal and fair ways. The Company shall also take appropriate measures to prevent the use of personal information beyond its purpose. In the event that the Company provides or entrusts information to third parties, it shall explain to the individual to whom the information pertains the purpose of this provision or entrustment, the receiver of said information, and any other relevant information.
In the event that the Company receives a request for information disclosure from the person to whom the information pertains, the Company shall promptly disclose said information after confirming the identity of the person. In the event that the information is incorrect, the Company shall promptly correct it.
The Company shall create the appropriate information systems, protection management structures, and other policies to prevent and correct leaks, and to prevent the destruction or defamation of personal information through illegitimate access.
In the event that the Company entrusts the processing of personal information to an outside entity, it shall select this entity in accordance with Company rules and practice appropriate supervision.
In the event that an information leak or other problem arises, the Company shall immediately assess the situation and provide an appropriate response. Contact the Company via e-mail (info@sooth.co.jp) with any inquiries or complaints.
The Company shall continually monitor its compliance with these policies. To conform to any changes outside the Company, it will appropriately review these policies and make any necessary improvements.